Publications collectives en économie sociale

Publications collectives en économie sociale:

Organization and Governance in Social Economy Enterprises / edited by Michael Kopel, Marco A. Marini, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2016, 87, 3

The Weight of the Social Economy – An International Perspective on the Production of Statistics for the Social Economy, Peter Lang, CIRIEC, Marie Bouchard

Some Current Issues and Challenges in the Social Economy / edited by Fabienne Fecher, Benoît Lévesque, Nathalie Vallet , Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2015, 86, 2

Governance of Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organizations – Within– and Between- Organization Analyses / edited by Gani Aldashev, Marco Marini, Thierry Verdier, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2015, 86, 1

The Emergence of the Social Economy in Public Policy : An international Analysis / L’émergence de l’Economie sociale dans les politiques publiques : une analyse internationale, Peter Lang, CIRIEC, Rafael Chaves et Danièle Demoustier

The Social Economy in the European UnionCIRIEC (Rafael Chaves & José Luis Monzon) (for the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)) (1st edition in 2006)

The Worth of the Social Economy. An International Perspective on the Evaluation of the Social Economy, Peter Lang, CIRIEC (under the dir. of Marie  J. Bouchard)

Gouvernance et intérêt général dans les services sociaux et de santé, Peter Lang, CIRIEC (sous la dir. de Bernard Enjolras)

The Situation of Social and Health Services of General Interest in the  European Union,

Manual for drawing up satellite accounts of companies in the social economy: co-operatives and mutual societiesCIRIEC (José Barea & José Luis Monzon) (for the European Commission – Enterprise and Industry Directorate–General)

Gouvernance et management en économie sociale / Revue du CIRIEC Canada
Governance and Management in the Social Economy / Annals of public and cooperative economics
Gobierno, democracia y directivos en las empresas / Revue du CIRIEC Espagne

Plural Economy and socio-economic regulation / Economie plurielle et régulation socio-économiqueCIRIEC (Enjolras B. & von Bergmann-Winberg M.-L., Eds)

Tackling Social Exclusion in Europe. The contribution of the social economySpear R., Defourny J., Favreau L. & Laville J.L., Eds Ashgate, Aldershot, isbn 0-7546-1383-6

Les holdings coopératifs. Evolution ou transformation définitive ?Côté D. (sous la direction de), Editions De Boeck Université, Bruxelles, Ouvertures Economiques, isbn 2-8041-3737-6

Les services sociaux entre associations, Etat et marché. L’aide aux personnes âgéesLaville J.-L. & Nyssens M. (sous la direction de), Editions La Découverte, Paris, Recherches, isbn 2-7071-3579-8

Les entreprises et organisations du troisième système. Un enjeu stratégique pour l’emploi / The enterprises and organizations of the third system. A strategic challenge for employment , CIRIEC (avec le soutien de la Commission européenne / with the support of the European Commission)